Category Archives: Post

What does it mean when an elephant flaps its ears

Help Them Hear The Environment Around Them At the time these animals started to live, there were no electronic devices, no advanced medical equipment, and there was no one that would take care of them. Because of this, many of these creatures had to rely on their instincts and senses to protect themselves.  When the […]

Amazing Experience with LANTA Elephant Sancturay

Lanta Elephant Sanctuary

If you’re looking for an amazing place to see these incredible creatures, look no further than the LANTA Elephant Sanctuary. Here, you can scrub the elephants, walk with them, and even feed them. The caretakers take excellent care of the elephants, ensuring that they are happy and healthy. We highly recommend our Sanctuary – it’s […]

9 wonderful things about Elephants

9 wonderful Elephants

9 wonderful things about Elephants The elephant many wonderful things in terms of how elephants live and the various parts of the body that make humans surprised when we learn of these wonders. Elephants have a period of pregnancy around 640 – 660 days, for a total of 95 weeks or twice as long as […]

How to make paper from elephant dung?

paper from elephant dung

How to make paper from elephant dung? Elephant dung can be utilized and generate income for the elephant owners. It can be used to make various products such as bags, books, watches, and other devices. The process of making paper from elephant dung. Beginning with collecting elephant dung. Boil the elephant dung for 5 hours. […]

Stop elephant trekking

Stop elephant trekking

Stop elephant trekking An elephant is the most popular and favorite animal in the tourism industry. But more than a hundred elephants have been abused by riding and performing elephant shows. These reasons are causing elephants to be less. Let’s see the reason why we should stop supporting elephant trekking and watching an elephant show. […]

6 things about elephants that we don’t know yet.

elephant is a remarkable animal in terms

6 things about elephants that we don’t know yet. An elephant is a remarkable animal in terms of living behavior, and various perceptions, including the elephant’s body that can surprise us so much. So, we will explain about 6 things about elephants that many people don’t yet know. The elephant’s brain has the most complex […]

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